Shape Shifting and Sausage Subs
A beautiful fall day today. Just right.

On the way back from where I was, I stopped in one of my fav spots for an early dinner.

You sit out side on picnic tables and they grill a few things such as my favorite sausage sandwich with onions and peppers.

They also rent Kayaks and Canoes. Inside they have a basic café and.

As I sat outside at my table, the sun on me felt warm enough to be outside. A few people drifted by in Kayaks.

Across the narrow and winding river, I saw a white bird appear. It was an Egret on the other side of the river.

I watched it intently as I sat and then ate. It moved along with grace and precision.

After a while, it flew over to my side of the river by the tiny dock in front of me.

So at this point we struck up a conversation...

E “Hello”

A “Hi”

E “How are you”

A “I’m feeling great on this wonderful fall afternoon”

E “A couple weeks ago I was talking with my cousin on Prince Edward Island and she asked me to check up on you”

A “That Blue Heron on PEI”

E “Yes”

E “So where is your friend”

A “Ah, well, she’s there, back there with your cousin”

E “Oh, why”

A “She’s starting a new life and I’m very proud that she is a professor like me”

E “Do you miss her”

A “No, no, we just, we are, we were. She doesn’t like me to idealize her; it upsets her”

E “Oh”

E “Where do you think she is right now”

A “I don’t know, I mean I not sure, she likes to dance on stage with the Beach Boys”

A “Someone told me she is in love”

E “Oh”

A “And have to remember not to say any idealistic things about her”

E “I thought that Fish on the Hook story was good”

A “How do you know about that”

E “PEI cousin told me”

A “Oh”

E “Well, I guess I’ll get back to my fishing”

A “OK, good thing she is not a Shape Shifter”

E “How so?”

A “Oh, I might think that you are her checking up on me”

E “Maybe”