Under this Full Moon
E “How was your exhibit”

A “It was great, my son and friends were there with me to celebrate this beautiful season and moment.

A “This has been one of the greatest times of my life, I feel like there is something bigger than me at work here this summer”.

E “Was your friend there to share this special moment with you”

A “Well”

E “Did she stand with you”

A “I felt like maybe she was thinking about my moment”.

E “Does she believe in you?”

A “I don’t know; I only know that I believe in her”.

A “Isn’t it time for you to fly South”

E “ I have some unfinished business here with you, then I will fly away”.

A “What do you want from me”

A “She is complicated and trying to find herself”.

A “I don’t know”.

E “Do you miss her”

A “Egret, you ask me very difficult questions you know”.

E “Do you miss her”

A “Yes, I wanted to dance with her under the full moon”.

E “There is a full moon tonight”.

A “I know, I don’t think I will ever see her again, she has her life there”.

E “ I have to go now. I will talk to my cousin, don’t give up hope”.

A “OK”