Comfort Zones
A “Egret, I thought you flew South”

E “I like it here”

A “I think it’s kind of like a rule, you are supposed to fly away”

E “I’m an odd sort though”

A “Where have I heard that before”

E “Could that be your friend, I; she said that to you didn’t she”

A “You know Egret, if my friend were a bird, she would be you”

A “Elegant, graceful, beautiful, special; and an odd sort...”

E “You are forgetting the rule; don’t idealize me”

E “Do you know what a comfort zone is”

A “I’m not sure”

E “It’s where we go to hide and feel safe”

A “What is your point, Egret”

E “Sometimes we need to collapse into our comfort zones for a while or forever”

A “Yes, and...”

E “I believe in you”

A “Good, I believe in you”

E “Do you really think I’m elegant, graceful, beautiful, and special”

A “Yes, and an odd sort though”