Before I Saw You I loved You
A “What are you doing Egret”

E “This goes here, that goes there”

A “Working on your nest”

A “And ignoring me”

E “Got to get things in order”

E “Not going to peek”

E “Going to peek”

A “Ah there you are”

E “Not going to peek”

A “You’re pretty busy there my love”

E “This goes here, that goes there”

A “I think I’m in love with you Egret”

E “This goes here, that goes there”

E “Not going to peek”

E “Just a little peek”

A “I see you”

E “No you don’t”

A “I love you Egret”

E “This goes here, that goes there”

E “Nest comes first”

A “Do you love me Egret”

E “Not going to peek”

A “OK this is our dance”

E “I see you”